Gaming on Crypto

Oasys (bonus points if you thought of Ready Player One) is a new Japanese gaming company that wants to build a blockchain for Web3/blockchain-based games and has raised a $20M financing.   

Gaming-only blockchain.  Oasys is building a blockchain specifically for gaming and gaming developers.  The company raised the funds via a token sale and is based in Japan and Singapore.

Institutional support from gaming industry.  Oasys is getting the nod on institutional support – some of the initial validators on its blockchain include Bandai Namco Research, SEGA, Ubisoft, Netmarble, Wemade, Com2uS and Yield Guild Games.

Obstacles.  The biggest obstacles facing blockchain-based apps are slow transaction speeds and high gas fees.  Solana, Avalanche and Polygon are all trying to solve these problems by making their chains more scalable, but haven’t got there yet, leaving an opening for companies like Oasys.

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