CommandBar is Like Search on Steroids

Software developers love to add new features to their apps.  Sometimes, they put functionality above everything else, especially usability.  We’ve all seen the results of these types of efforts –– apps that are difficult to understand and complicated to use with a steep learning curve. 

Nobody can fault the developers for building all of these cool features.  According to founders James Evans, Richard Freling and Vinay Ayyala, there is a best of both worlds solution to make software easier to use while maintaining all of the functionality.

CommandBar has an interface that is like a search bar on steroids that can be added to any web-based app and enables users to do the stuff they want to do in the app with simple commands entered on the search bar. The CommandBar search interface makes it easy for new users to, well, use your software, and also helps power users access functionality more easily as well. 

All in all, the company is offering a B2B software tool that helps to onboard users and generally make the user experience for all kinds of users that much better.

You can check out a demo of how the tool works here:

Low-code solution.  Apps can integrate CommandBar by pasting a few lines of code and using configuration tools to quickly add commands relevant to their them. The product was designed as so that product and customer success teams can add configurations without relying too much on engineering support.

$4.8M seed financing.  Emerging from beta last week, the company announced its $4.8 million seed round led by Thrive Capital, with participation from Y Combinator, BoxGroup, Naval Ravikant, Worklife Ventures’ Brianne Kimmel and StitchFix president Mike Smith.

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